Espira Metabolism Boost Personal Challenge

As I've been telling you about the Espira Wellness line that Avon offers, I believe I've briefly mentioned that I used the products myself. I also mentioned that I've quit smoking. I'm very proud of myself! I just put the cigarettes down after 40 years of smoking up to 2 packs a day. My last cigarette was on January 14, 2018.

Before I quit smoking, I lost 45 pounds through diet & exercise. It was during that weight loss that I originally used the Espira Metabolism Boost System. Since I quit smoking, I gained 25 pounds of that back. Boo! But it's fixable & it's way better than smoking.

So I've decided to redo the Metabolism Boost System that helped me lose the weight in the first place. I am ordering the system with my Campaign 17 order (which goes in Monday, August 6th by the way....let me know what YOU need!). I will document my progress and share with all of you!

I would say wish me luck, but I already know that this system works! I'm just ready to prove it to you!


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